And why are they required?

Welcome To Cell’s Health.

They Are Phytonutrients And Tackling The Main Causes Of Aging Problems Is What They Do!

Because Of Our habits Have Many Deficits:

Not eating “a Variety of Complete Foods” and consuming excess of sugary food will not bring enough nutrients that really help our body as it’s recommended in Dietary Guideline For Americans (DGA)”.

Do You Know What Are “Empty Calories?

Nutritional value of food from depleted soils is also lost in harvest, transportation, storage and finally processing that removes the most nutritious and functional parts (many of vitamins, minerals, essential oils and oligo-elements). Some of the remaining nutrients are destroyed with washing and bad cooking process.

Eating this low value food missing at a high rate functional elements will make body weak and debilitating conditions such as chronic diseases, tumors, autoimmune diseases and cancer will develop. People should decide de choose a “Healthy Eating” before being to late!

Because Of Our environment Fill Of Toxics And Contaminants:

They are everywhere: in water, in air (polluted with the by-products of industry and engine exhaust), in food (pesticides, fungicides) and additives in drink. Those are called “xenobiotics” by scientists.

Stress of living and working in this fast-paced world of ours, tobacco consumption, abuse of alcohol use, use of drugs, juicy drinks everywhere and food additives,… want or not, aren’t our friends.

Note that our world is not going to become less polluted in the near future nor less stressful. Knowing the risk is good but finding a way to intervene before the damage is done is better.

Phytonutrients are as a bloom to remove waste accumulated long time in cells causing a stress oxidant and they alleviate body from a low-grade chronic inflammation and many other problems.

We get all essential nutrients from food and different phytonutrients, antioxidants, and various compounds (not considered essential) to promote health and prevent disease when consumed regularly.

They can have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immune-boosting properties, etc., helping to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune diseases and certain cancers. Don’t wait the after effects of poor nutrition. Supplement it.

Scientist combine many of their extracts in one product combining a variety of extracts from fruits, plants, vegetables, algae, fish, etc. This is to ensure you’re getting a broad spectrum of these beneficial compounds for optimal health.

A Body Sweep? Possible: With Phytonutrients Full Of Antioxidants!

If you’re an athlete in any domain, or you’re aging, or exposed to pollution or under stress, you produce much free radicals and you’ll want to sweep out from your cells this ash to avoid oxidative stress.  Energy production from sugar in mitochondria produces ash called “free radicals” compared to ash from charcoal stove or wood oven.

What are oxidative stress and antioxidants?

Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals production and antioxidant enzymatic system in the body. Free radicals can damage cells that lead to various health problems, including chronic cell’s inflammation, auto-immunity, aging, and finally chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.

A support of food and plant-based antioxidants is required to help internal antioxidant enzymatic system. Consider components of high ORAC Value.

Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation is one of the main causes of NCDs and can be the cause or the result on stress oxidant. Knowing how to prevent and manage it is one of the secrets of living and aging healthy.

When body’s is attacked, a defensive and protective response comes to support eliminating the cause of injury and initiating tissue repair. This is inflammation, a generic response and a mechanism of innate immunity.

While acute inflammation occurs immediately and lasts only a few days, chronic inflammation lasts from months to years because of the gravity and persistence of the cause (s) not well managed by the immune system. So, problems begin to appear in affected organs. 

In addition, inflamed cells produce many free radicals that exacerbate inflammation what becomes a vicious circle.

Want To Fight Silent Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation? The best way to make it happen is to get profit of plants and fruit extracts combined with a proper diet. Supplementing is better than waiting deterioration of overall health.

One of the advices in DGA is to “Avoid Too Much Sugar And Moderate Eating Sugary Foods”.

It is sweet, the sugar, but it is not very safe! The excess is to avoid from infancy.


Because eating too much sugar and sweets will conduct to not only dental carries but also, its excess in blood will attach on proteins and lipids and will modify their structure and functions that is harmful to health. In addition, glycated proteins and lipids are more sensitive to oxidation and promote the production of free radicals.

The accumulation of those components in the cells will trigger cells’ destruction and the inflammation will come as a response to eliminate the cause of injury. It is finally a vicious circle.

What we do here, it’s like to show you the hour of the rain and give you in the same time the umbrella.

“Avoid Too Much Sodium” is among advices in DGA on what we can eat and drink for our better health.

Why Scientists highlighted this aspect?


Our body can be under imbalance with a slight decrease in blood pH, within the range considered normal through diet, drink and bad stress management.

This body acidosis is considered being the cause of mucoid diseases, many autoimmune and immunity diseases.

What to do? In addition to related diet with less sodium and sugar intake, sport, enough safe water drinking and relationship improvement use Phytonutrient to benefit from its components.

Ever wondered how a simple cell can turn into a life-threatening tumor?

It starts with minor changes, like DNA mutations, often caused by factors such as smoking, radiation, or genetic predisposition. These rogue cells grow uncontrollably, forming benign tumors that can turn malignant, leading to cancer. The impact is profound, affecting our health, causing pain, and disrupting daily life. But there’s hope! Early detection, healthy lifestyle choices, and prompt treatment are key. Stay vigilant with regular check-ups, nourish your body with nutritious foods, and consult healthcare providers if you notice unusual changes. Prevention and early intervention can make all the difference in winning this battle. Let’s take action today for a healthier tomorrow! Benefit components in Miira-cell+ and don’t wait. Do it before it’s late!

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be differentiated into specific cells and have infinite ability to multiply. So, the more stem cells you have, the better and the longer you’ll live.

Rare Suiss apple is among 13 powerful sources of ingredients in Miira-cell+. It’s a source of plant stem cells.

They are “anti-aging” by promoting the production of new cells and increase collagen and elastin production in the skin.

They also protects against UV damage, soothes irritated skin by its anti-inflammatory properties, hydrates and brightens skin.  For people who want maintain a healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Many Ignore That Miira-cell+ Is A Key For A Plenty Health, Fitness  And Well Being While Miira-cell+ Gives You What You Need To Prevent And Manage Non-Communicable Diseases By Preventing Damages To Cells, Repair Damaged Cells, Replace Dead Ones And Regenerate New Cells. And All In One Daily Convenient Sachet! Want to discover its secrets?
Apple Stem Cells For cells’ regeneration, rejuvenation and longevity  Kiwifruit A friend of  digestive system (center of immunity) and nervous system. Bilberry A strong fighter of stress oxidant that  cause aging problems.Goji Berry For healthy  heart, healthy blood vessels, muscles.  
Aquamin , aquatic plant minerals to protect bones, heart and for gastro intestinal tract.  Pomegranates Red as blood, it’s rich in antioxidants for your cardio-vascular health.  Bee Propolis From protecting bees in beehives to prevent your body from cancer and allergy. Ashwaganda Manage Stress, Anxiety and Sleep and boost your reproductive health.  
AFA , essential fatty acids, vitamins, active enzymes, Phytochemicals and minerals, to fight cancer.   Astaxanthin, red algae called King of antioxidants with high ORAC value (2,822,200)Salmon Ovary Peptides Going to Shibetsu for Chum Salmons Collagen? No. Get Them here.  Soursop Protect yourself  against cancer being far from regions of America.  

P.S. In case you’re one of those people who just skip to the end of the page, here is the deal:

I want to show you how to manage and prevent much of the causes of Non-Communicable Diseases to enjoy your life being healthy.

Because Miira-cell+ is made to fight low-grade chronic inflammation, stress oxidant, toxemic diseases, glycation, boosters your immunity, etc.

Even if you don’t love Food Supplements, here you will NOT be taking tens of tablets every day or anything like that. One sublingual sachet one or two times a day is quite enough.

So, click the button below to get your hands on it now. You won’t regret it.

Do it today !

Because when you postpone until later you can easily forget!

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