Welcome To Workers-without-Borders

Want Become An Independent Company Marketer And Sell Globally?

Where You Have No Barrier, No Limit On Gaining, The Only Limit Can Be You.

Here Is Your Work! It’s A Work without Borders!

 Watch our exclusive video to learn how you can become an independent marketer and seller with a global reach. Find out why this opportunity is perfect for you and get step-by-step guidance on how to start your own successful business.

For Fresh Graduates Or Other Job Seekers.  Don’t Miss It If You’re Looking For Additional Income.  Students! Your Personal Development Is Here!

“WwB”, Workers-without-Borders Are Women And Men Dedicated To Manage Job Crisis, Building A Network Of Sellers and Marketers To Generate Direct And Residual Income.

So, Why A Network Of Marketers And Sellers?

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) will hit labor market like a ‘tsunami’. International Monetary Funds (IMF) chief warns. ‘We have very little time to get people ready for it’. Fortune.com. May 14, 2024.

That’s Where This Page Comes In.

It’s a free shop you open directly with industry when AI seizes your labor force job and you quickly position to sell the production to needy people, using AI or by physical contact.

Robert and Kim Kiyosaki dedicated an entire book on it in 2010 as “The Business Of The 21st Century”. Why?

Because, It’s your show room, your store, your shop and your selling system for your clients any time and everywhere.

It’s is your free work with less pressure and more confidence where money you get as profit will not only wait the end of month to come. Here is like having client credit card in hand!

But, What To Sell And On What Products Our Marketing Is Based?

Today, “Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people each year, 74% of all deaths globally. Each year, 17 million die from a NCD before age 70; 86% of these premature deaths occur in low and middle-income countries. Of all NCDs deaths, 77% are in low and middle-income countries. Tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets and air pollution all increases the risk of dying from an NCD”. Those are WHO Key Facts of 16 September 2024 on NCDs.

Different National Strategies and Action Plan are developed and are being implemented for prevention, detection, screening and treatment of NCDs. Governments are building specialized hospitals and NCDs unities, equipping them by appropriated material and trained staff for quality NCD diagnosis and treatment services.

While advancements in specialized healthcare and pharmaceuticals are essential for managing NCDs, the integration of phytonutrient-rich diets and sport into public health strategies offers a proactive approach to prevention. By emphasizing the role of natural, plant-based compounds in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, we can empower individuals to take a more active role in their own health, potentially reducing the global burden of NCDs.

Companies have developed some products full of Phytonutrients from fruits, plants and legumes that have anti-oxidant (to clean harmful free-radicals from cells) and have also anti-inflammation activities (to deal with cells’ chronic inflammation).

Marketing and selling those products to people will increase people awareness on NCDs through health talks and discussions and some people will adopt prevention by changing behavior acting on risk factors and eventually using phytonutrients.

The Career You Won’t Regret.  

Regrets? IF…

· You’re with passion and drive of entrepreneurship that are burning in you,

· You want to enter in the power of collaboration,

· You desire to love what you do freely every day,

· You’re want develop more your leadership,

· You’re dedicated to help people to resolve their problems,

· You’re ready to embrace new knowledge, skills in different domains

· You need additional income,

 … No Worry, No Regrets!

Network Marketing Is A Work For YOU!

Hope you are ambitious worker who want to move ahead.

However, if you’re looking to get rich quickly, I’m sorry, this work is really not for you.

Are you fear of the safeness of your initial job? Use weekends, time spent in bus, in metro, in stadiums, etc. This is a precious time to use for the profit.

A part time worker? Use your free time for your future success. Sell, market and get commissions.

Applying for job? Continue, don’t stop to apply and try this opportunity also. May be “this is your job”.

Fresh graduate? No barrier here. As you’re preparing your application, make sure you don’t forget to apply at this JOB also.

Students? This is your job! No Barriers. Manage well your free time, get new knowledge and skills and help needy people and get what will make the happiness of your future life.


Want Receive What You Need To Work, Grow And Succeed Even Being In Crisis Time?

For All People Who Have Dreams Of Their Future Time, Social And Economic Freedom…

Quick! Out of Gambling, Alcohol Abuse And Drugs!

Your Job Has Come!

Be ready to transform your poverty and frustration to affluence and satisfaction.

Move from rags to riches in the months and years ahead.

Come out your fear and embrace a new career.

A career of trainings, teamwork, mutual support and exchanges. Try and see what will happen! You’ll really love.

A Way to Thousands And Millions With Less Startup!

A direction to millions begins by gaining at least one dollar on your sell. You can begin by a small startup.

Just few boxes and you have your “Shop and International System”.

Then, begin to motivate potential users. Some don’t know that NCDs are a Public Health Problem. Get health talks, motivate people to change unhealthy behavior. Explain and show what product will do to our health and sell. Selling one box will show you that it’s possible to achieve. Success is for those who are dedicated to start and focus.

One-step is the beginning of a successful long walk! Go! Just Go!

Rejected and not enrolled because of your handicap? Here is simple: Show and close the deal!

  • Show your business card
  • Show what you sell and what it’s helpful for. Do You have a flyer?
  • Explain everything through prepared pictures. Try to show your enthusiasm.
  • Ask if the person is interested or not
  • Ask for address and close the deal
  • Make a follow up.


Health problems are increasing and ruining countries in loss of humans, working power and economic injuries. We need serious people that wish to help others to come out of their suffering and get them back to a smile of joy when health is improved.

Working everywhere to help suffering people is still possible.

So, who I am looking for:

Women and men who want to help others, with a burning desire of success in life, and people with coachable mindset to learn more and new skills and do more for best results.

If you fit at least in one of conditions above, welcome and be ready to work for success. Don’t joke!


It’s a work for Students, Flesh Graduates, Forgotten Job Searchers, People Who Lost Their Jobs, Part-Time Workers, Full Time Workers And People In Retreat Who Need Additional Income…

All People Who Have Dreams Of Their Future Time, Social And Economic Freedom. Be Ready For It! It’s Your Time! Just Begin!

All Those Bonuses Are Waiting You Get Them In Your System

Retail Sale Commission

Uni-level Bonus

Direct Sponsor Bonus

Vacation Treasure Box

Development Bonus

Car Treasure Box

Group incentives

House Treasure Box

Roll Up Bonus


How People Loss A Compass Toward Time, Social And Economic Freedom?  Hope You’re Not!
Most People Who Hear About An Opportunity Will Not Seize It!
So, Some People Who Read This Will Not Apply.    Don’t Be Among Them Take Proper Direction To Success.
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